<![CDATA[NEW WAY TODAY - BLOG]]>Sun, 13 Oct 2024 13:04:26 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[The Stations of The Cross]]>Wed, 24 Feb 2021 21:08:45 GMThttp://newwaytoday.net/blog/the-stations-of-the-cross6081249We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You, because by your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

There is a great spiritual benefit to us when we reflect on the passion and death of Jesus Christ. "The Stations of the Cross" or "The Way of the Cross" is a Scriptural, meditative prayer in which we call to mind certain moments of suffering that Jesus endured.  We consider each station, perhaps reflect on a scripture passage, pray, and think about what Jesus went through for us. Then we move on to the next station and do the same.  We open our hearts to God, and allow His grace to enter as we pray.  It's a powerful prayer approach and a very peaceful experience, as we contemplate God's tremendous Love for us. 

During Lent it is especially important to pray this way and reflect on the Cross Jesus carried for us. If you're not familiar with the Stations of the Cross, I have listed each one below with a particular Scripture that we can reflect on. These are only my suggested scriptures. Simply pray in your own way.  What's more important is that we open our hearts and spend this time with Jesus, reflecting on the path He walked for our salvation.
We begin each station by saying, "We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You, because by your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world."  Let's ask God The Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts and fill our hearts as we think about each one.

The First Station:    Jesus is condemned to death (Mark 14:61-64).

Second Station:      Jesus carries His Cross (John 19:14-16).

Third Station:     Jesus falls the first time (Psalm 140:5-6).
Fourth Station:   Jesus meets His mother (John 19:25-27).
Fifth Station:       Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the Cross (Mk 15:21).
Sixth Station:      Veronica wipes the face of Jesus (Sirach 6:14). 

Seventh Station:   Jesus falls the second time (Isaiah 53:4-7).
Eighth Station:    Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem (Luke 23:27-28) and (Lam 1:12).
Ninth Station:      Jesus falls a third time (Isaiah 53:12).
The Tenth Station:   Jesus is stripped of His clothes (Psalm 22:8).
The Eleventh Station:  Jesus is nailed to the Cross (Luke 23:33-43 and Psalm 22:16-19).
The Twelfth Station:   Jesus dies on the Cross (Lk 23:44-46) (John 19:28-30) (Romans 5:19).

The Thirteenth Station: The body of Jesus is taken down from the Cross (John 19:31-34).
The Fourteenth Station:  Jesus is laid in the tomb (Matt 27:59-60).
Widely accepted as The Fifteenth Station is of course The RESURRECTION, where we celebrate Christ's victory over sin and death when Jesus rises from the grave on Easter.
Praying in a reflective way using Scripture draws us closer to Christ and opens our hearts to be changed. Through this prayer, we can grow in our relationship with Jesus who loves us - to death.
<![CDATA[Palm Sunday]]>Sun, 25 Mar 2018 15:24:01 GMThttp://newwaytoday.net/blog/palm-sundayToday we celebrate the triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem ... Holy Week begins.  During Holy Week we are called to walk with Jesus. To walk in His footsteps on the journey He took to The Cross. We are called to be by His side, to reflect upon what He endured for us.

We have spent the previous weeks of Lent reflecting within, looking at ourselves. Now, this Holy Week, we look at Jesus. We focus our attention on Him.  We don't just read about His passion and death this week, we enter into it. Today, He enters Jerusalem, and we go with Him.

"The very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and strewed them on the road. The crowds preceding him and those following kept crying out saying:  'Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is He who comes in the name of the  Lord; Hosanna in the highest.' And when he entered Jerusalem the whole city was shaken and asked 'Who is this?' And  the crowds replied, 'This is Jesus the prophet, from Nazareth in  Galilee"(Matthew  21: 8-11).

The people were very excited to see Jesus.  They heard all these awesome stories about Him, how He heals the sick and performs miracles, how He speaks powerful words of life and love and forgiveness ... and now He's right in front of them.  He is greeted so enthusiastically and is praised and loved by the people. We are these people. We put ourselves there this week, at every step.

Today we shout "Hosanna!" Friday we will shout "Crucify Him!"  How quickly we turn on Christ, and turn back on ourselves.  But Jesus already knows this.  Jesus enters Jerusalem amidst the shouts of honor and praise knowing that these same people will turn on Him and scream for His death in a few days ...  and He loves us anyway. He dies for us anyway. He knows how fickle our humanity is. He knows how weak we really are, how selfish we really are, and He knows we won't always appreciate the sacrifice He's about to make for us.  But He makes it anyway.  God loves us.  And this week, He proves it!

So let's reflect today on how often we turn on Christ too. How often are we "Christian" when things are going well but abandon Christ when things don't go our way.  As long as we see the miracles and answered prayers we Praise Him, but if not? How strong is our faith really? When the cross comes into our lives, what do we do? 

It’s time to follow Christ.  It’s time to step away from the crowd, a crowd that only pays Him lip service when things go well.  It’s time to follow Jesus, to the end.  A time to be in the world, but not of it.  A time to concern ourselves with the things of Heaven because Heaven is our true Home. 

Let's pray in a new way today. Let's look at Holy Week in a new Light. Let's see ourselves among  the people and ask ourselves the really deep questions our hearts need answered. Let's grow in love and faith. When we enter into Holy Week with our whole heart, we enter into Christ's passion and death, and in the process of appreciating Him, find amazing graces for ourselves.

May God Bless you and everyone near and dear to you this Holy Week.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

<![CDATA[March 24th, 2018]]>Sat, 24 Mar 2018 07:00:00 GMThttp://newwaytoday.net/blog/the-stations-of-the-cross6028154]]><![CDATA[A New Year Prayer]]>Sun, 07 Jan 2018 08:00:00 GMThttp://newwaytoday.net/blog/a-new-year-prayer-for-2017Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for this New Year and for your great Mercy which is always ready to give me a fresh start.  Lord, you make all things new and I ask you for your healing presence in my life in this coming year! I'm so happy to have the chance to start again.  Thank you for carrying me through this past year and for always being by my side.  I look forward to all the wonderful things you have in store for me.   

I know your Mercy is great that every day is a chance to start fresh.  You are always ready, willing, and able to forgive us our sins and bring us into a new life.  I ask for this new life now.  

I ask to be made a new creation in your Son, Jesus Christ.  I want to become the person you created me to be!  I will need your help.  Please make ways for me where there are no ways.  Please build bridges and remove obstacles, and make my path straight.  Give me strength and peace as I journey on with you toward a bright future.   

I ask for the grace to let go and put the past back where it belongs.  I pray for the grace not to carry the old baggage into the new year, and to place my future into your care.  I pray for you to pour out your healing love in every area of my life.  I ask for your help to truly live my life in You, with You, through You and for You.  
Help me to move forward in your Love for me.  Please help me to respond to the action of your Holy Spirit within me.  Help me to come to know you in a deeper and more meaningful way, and to Trust you again with my whole heart.  Help me to make a serious commitment to you my God and to put you first in my life, to make you the center of my life, to make you "my all".  

Finally, Thank you for sending your Son into the world and into our hearts.  Thank you for your unfailing love.  I know that you are Good, and Loving, and that you are always with me.  I ask for your blessing on this New Year.  Please bless and protect my family and everyone near and dear to me.  Please guide us all into the Light of your Truth, and help us to walk day by day, step by step, in Your direction.   

May the Peace of Christ remain with us all year long, and may we grow in love and faith in a New Way, starting Today.  In Jesus' beautiful name.  Amen.

 Happy New Year! 

<![CDATA[Christmas Reflection Day 25 - A Savior is Born!]]>Mon, 25 Dec 2017 08:00:00 GMThttp://newwaytoday.net/blog/christmas-reflection-day-25-a-savior-is-born1 Day 25 of our 25 days of Scripture Reflections for this Christmas Season:  A Savior is Born.

Scripture:  "For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord"  (Luke 2:11).  

Reflection:  Thank you.  This is the message of today's reflection.  Thank you God Almighty Father for sending your Son into the world to save us.  I pray that today will be a day of heartfelt gratitude for God's presence in our lives.  God is always with us.  He always Loves us.  He is always ready to heal us and make us new.  Today is a time to rejoice, to be grateful, to make a decision to allow Christ to grow within us, and through us to others. 

Questions:  In what ways can I wish Jesus a Happy Birthday today?  In what ways can I show my gratitude to God for His presence in my life?  Am I willing to allow Christ to change my heart?

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, Happy Birthday! Thank you for coming into my life.  Lord, you now open the doors to Heaven for us.  Open my heart, and grant me the grace to follow you.  Help me to accept your unconditional love.  Help me to believe in a Love so great, without conditions.  Help me to let go of my pride, and surrender everything to you.  Give me the gift of faith, hope and trust in you.  Fill me with your Love and allow your Love to spill over into everyone in my life.  Thank you for taking on my humanity and saving me from eternal death.  Help me to accept the Divine life you offer me.  Through you, I can obtain Heaven.  Help me to be your follower and grant me the Joy of Christmas.  Grant that I may know your Love in a New Way, Today!  Amen.  

Merry Christmas!  May God Bless you and everyone near and dear to you with the Peace of His Birth, this Christmas and always!

<![CDATA[Christmas Reflection Day 24 - Silent Night]]>Sun, 24 Dec 2017 08:00:00 GMThttp://newwaytoday.net/blog/christmas-reflection-day-24-silent-night1 Day 24 of our 25 days of Scripture Reflections for this Christmas Season:  SILENT NIGHT.

Scripture:  "Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart"  (Luke 2:19).

Reflection:  Christmas Eve is a nice time to follow Mary's example and to quietly reflect on our relationship with God. No matter how the past few weeks of Christmas preparation have gone we have a new opportunity right now to pray and reflect.  If the true meaning of Christmas has gotten away from us this year, we can take a few minutes now to open our hearts to Christ.  Every moment is a moment to start over.  We can ponder in our own hearts what God's presence in our lives means for us.  Take this time to create your own silent night, your own silent few minutes, to have your own time in prayer with God, one on one, friend to friend.  The One who loves you, is always reaching out His arms to you.  Pick up the infant Jesus in your heart tonight, hold Him close, tell Him what's on your mind, and be at Peace.  

Questions:  What do I treasure?  What means most to me this Christmas?  Can I stop whatever I'm doing and put aside a little time for prayer?  Can I give my heart to The Christ Child this Christmas?  Am I willing to let go of all of my anger towards God for the past, and give Him a new place in my heart?  Give Him all of my heart??  

Prayer:  Dear Lord, thank you for this time together.  Thank you for this night.  Thank you for all of your blessings seen and unseen in my life and in the lives of my loved ones.  I know you are holding them tight tonight, watching over them.  I know you are taking care of me and that you hear every prayer.  Lord, touch my heart.  Help me to enter into the silence of this Holy night, and fill my soul with Peace ... Your Peace.  A Peace no one else can give me but you.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Join us again tomorrow for our final reflection in these 25 Days of Christmas Scripture Reflections.  May God Bless you, and everyone near and dear to you.

<![CDATA[Christmas Reflection Day 23 - Glory To God]]>Sat, 23 Dec 2017 08:00:00 GMThttp://newwaytoday.net/blog/christmas-reflection-day-23-glory-to-god1Day 23 of our 25 days of Scripture Reflections for this Christmas Season:  Glory To God. 

Scripture:  "Suddenly a great company of the Heavenly Host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests'” (Luke 2:13-14).  

Reflection: God's favor rests on you.  God wants to pour out His peace upon you. God invites us to enter into a new relationship with Him, one so closely united to His Divine nature by means of His uniting Himself to our human nature.  God becomes man in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ.  God takes on human flesh, and becomes one of us.  This is an extraordinary thing, and the angels in Heaven sing praises to God for His great love for us.  The message this Christmas season is this:  God wants to be close to us, to be close with us.  He is here, now, offering His hand to us. See the child Jesus reaching up His arms to you now, asking you to please accept Him, and all the Love that He is. God is Love. 
And Love, loves us.  

Questions:  Do I ask God for peace in my life, in my heart, in my family?  Do I ask God to show me ways I can be a person of peace and bring peace into the situations going on in my life right now?  Am I open to forgiving, to healing, to restoration of broken relationships? To what degree do I want peace, only for myself in prayer - or can I bring peace to others by my actions as well? 

Prayer:  Lord, you took on my human nature out of Love for me. With a desire to restore my brokenness, you have come to set me free.  Please deliver me from all the fears I have of following you.  Help me to realize that you are the answer to my life. You are the answer to every stirring of my soul.  Help me to pray to you in a more intimate way, sharing my heart with yours.  Thank you Lord, for coming to earth, and remaining with us always.  Help me to be a peaceful presence in the lives of my family and friends.  Restore me and renew me once again. I rejoice with the angels in glorifying your name and I ask for this
unshakeable Peace you promise to your followers.  Amen.  

Join us again tomorrow for another spiritual reflection.  May God Bless you, and everyone near and dear to you.]]>
<![CDATA[Christmas Reflection Day 22 - Humility]]>Fri, 22 Dec 2017 08:00:00 GMThttp://newwaytoday.net/blog/christmas-reflection-day-22-humility1Day 22 of our 25 days of Scripture Reflections for this Christmas Season:  Humility  

Scripture: "You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger" (Luke 2:12).

Reflection:  Jesus comes to us in the plain, ordinary circumstances of life.  The King of Heaven and Earth comes into the world as a helpless newborn.  He goes on to live a quiet life prior to His three years of preaching followed by His death and resurrection.  God became a man. What humility.  We also are called to practice humility and to continue to find Jesus in the ordinary circumstances of our lives.  This is where He still lives in the world today. 

Questions: Where do I look for Christ in my life? Do I look outside of myself or within me?  Do I look for Him in the big things or in the small ordinary moments?  Can I ask God to reveal Himself to my heart in a new way from now on?

Prayer:  Dear Lord, my heart is searching for you.  My limited intellect cannot comprehend your Glory or your plan, but my heart knows that you are present with the human race. You have not abandoned us.  You are Emmanuel -  God with us.  I ask for the gift of humility, in accepting my part in the plan of salvation.   I ask for the grace to find you in "the little things" of life.  Please grant me the grace to let go of my pride, to open my eyes wider, and to rely on you more.  Grant me the humility to surrender every area of my life to you, my God and my all. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Join us again tomorrow for another spiritual reflection.  May God Bless you, and everyone near and dear to you.]]>
<![CDATA[Christmas Reflection - Day 21 - No Room in the Inn]]>Thu, 21 Dec 2017 08:00:00 GMThttp://newwaytoday.net/blog/christmas-reflection-day-21-no-room-in-the-inn1Day 21 of our 25 days of Scripture Reflections for this Christmas Season:  NO ROOM IN THE INN  

Scripture:  "And she gave birth to her firstborn son, and she wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn"  (Luke 2:7).  

Reflection:  Jesus wants to make His dwelling within us.  God is searching for our hearts, but too often He finds the door closed.  Or maybe we open the door when we feel we need Him, and leave Him outside the rest of the time.  The heart of our Christian spiritual life is accepting Jesus as our all, as the center of our lives.  Therefore, giving Him only a portion of our hearts doesn't give Him the room He needs to work in us.   

Questions: Where is Jesus in my life?  Is He shut out of my heart?  Is He only on the surface of my heart?  Is He in my heart for a time or is He in my heart always?  Are we willing to let Him in?  

Prayer:  Dear Lord, I like to think that the door of my heart is always open to you, but if I take a close look I can see plenty of occasions where I try to squeeze you out of my life for a time.  Please grant me the grace to welcome you always.  Help me to surrender my heart to your Heart, that the door may always be open for you to enter.  Please live within me. Please come into my life in a new way, today.

Join us again tomorrow for another spiritual reflection.  May God Bless you, and everyone near and dear to you.]]>
<![CDATA[Christmas Reflection Day 20 - Why Was Jesus Born ...]]>Wed, 20 Dec 2017 08:00:00 GMThttp://newwaytoday.net/blog/christmas-reflection-day-20-why-was-jesus-born1Day 20 of our 25 days of Scripture Reflections for this Christmas Season:  WHY WAS JESUS BORN ..

Scripture:  "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free"  (Luke 4:18).  

Reflection:   We are in the heart of the Christmas season now, and while we await the birth of our Savior, it's a good time to reflect on why Jesus came to earth.  We find the answer in the above scripture from the gospel of Luke.  Jesus came to set us free.  From what?  From Satan, sin and death. 

From the beginning of time sin has been our downfall.  Sin leads us away from God, but God is so good and merciful that He sends His own Son to redeem us from our sinful nature and infuses into us a Divine Nature through His Holy Spirit at Baptism.  Jesus came to bring hope and healing and freedom from fear.  He came to set us free from the enemy, to forgive our sins, to heal our hearts, and show us the Love of The Father.  He came to restore what was broken by sin.  He took upon Himself all the sins of the world on the Cross and bore the punishment for our sins. Through acceptance of Jesus Christ, we can now live with Him forever in Heaven.  Because of His sacrifice, because of who He is, we are washed clean of our sins.  The Blood of Christ has made everything new again.

Questions:  When I think of Christmas, do I see the whole picture, Jesus birth, death, and resurrection?  Do I thank God for the gift of His coming?  Do I accept that I am a sinner in need of a Savior?  

Prayer:   Dear Jesus, The Spirit of The Lord is upon you.  You are The One predicted to set humanity free from death and bring us into everlasting life.  Please open the doors of life to me.  Please break open the bars of my heart and open up the floodgate of your grace into my soul.  Pour out your Spirit upon my life, just as it is, just the way I am.  Whatever my current circumstance I can be set free in my heart.  You alone, have the power to make me new and bring me to Heaven.  I ask Lord, for the special graces I need at this time of my life.  I ask you to set me free from everything that blocks my personal and spiritual growth. Help me to let go, and open up my whole being to your Healing Love.  Amen.

Join us again tomorrow for another spiritual reflection.  May God Bless you, and everyone near and dear to you.
