If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change. If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change. ~ John A. Simone, Sr.
Nothing stays the same. Life is constantly changing. People change, circumstances change. When we are in the moment of suffering it feels like nothing will ever be different than what we are experiencing right then. We think it will be this way forever. When we are in a bad situation our vision is limited. When we are in a good situation, the same is true. It will change. We think in that moment also that everything will stay wonderful.
There is only one thing in this world that doesn't change and that is God. He doesn't change because He always is. He is in a state of "is" called the present moment. He is the great "I AM", the Alpha and the Omega - the beginning and the end. He is one God, all the time, because for Him there is no such thing as time. He is the same at every moment of our lives. In Hebrews 13:8 it says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
In regard to letting go of the past, there is value in this moment right now. We may feel our choices are between the pain of the past (which is out of our control) and fear of the future, (which is out of our control.) This is a very frustrating and unhealthy way to live. There is, however, another choice called the present moment. This is the moment where God is and when we align ourselves with where He is, everything falls into place and we find the freedom we are looking for.
Sometimes it feels like the present moment is hard to find. We have so much on our minds and on our hearts. Our thoughts take us everywhere but here in the now. Especially the concern for the next moment. That alone robs us of peace. Think about how often we focus on what we are about to do next rather than what we are doing now. The present moment is here, whether we ignore it or not. When we embrace the present moment, new things reveal themselves.
We cannot change God. We cannot change others. We can only change ourselves. So rather than try to fight time, let's try to embrace it and grow emotionally and spiritually from it. Growing into a deeper relationship with our unchanging God is what the present moment brings us. It's comforting to know that He is with us in both the good times and bad times of our lives, both of which will change ... and change again.
God is our rock. He is a steady, faithful, reliable friend who never leaves, who never changes, and accepts us as we are. That doesn't mean He wishes us to stay as we are. We are called to change. We are called to a new life in Christ.
Let's ask God for a new way to approach the changes that take place in our lives. Let's ask for a new outlook and be open to a new life, embracing all God wants to give us, as we live in the present moment.
Reflection Questions
What do I wish would change?
Are these changes under my control?
In what way does my life feel out of control?
Do I see God as a stable and solid rock in my life or do I see God as changing from day to day?
How many moments do I waste thinking about other moments?
Am I willing to start making better use of the time God has given me?
Am I willing to turn to God in prayer for a moment - this moment - the present one - the one He lives in - and listen for His voice in my heart?
Dear Lord, in a world that is filled with such uncertainty and empty promises, where things change from one day to the next, from one hour to the next, You alone are reliable. You alone are unchanging and always present. We can always count on You. You are good, all the time. You never leave us on our own. Help me to see that. Help me to truly believe in Your presence in my life and no longer feel your absence. Help me to stop trying to change You and instead start trying to change me. Help me to look to You, not as a last resort, but as my first choice, in all things. Please teach me how to pray to You. Show me what it is that I need to change first, what I need to change most. Help me to start where You want me to. Please help me to change my own behavior so that I may live as You desire. Help me to be less concerned with the changes others are making, or not making, in their lives and simply do my best to improve my own. Dear Lord, help me not to fear change because I know that no matter what happens, You will always be there with me. Amen.
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