Each one of us is in The Heart of The Father. God The Father’s nature is Love and He wanted to spread His Love. So after creating the earth and all creatures in it, He decided to take creation to the next level by making something in His own image and likeness, something higher than the animals, something more than the sea or the mountains. Something different. Something Holy. Something that would be able to recognize, appreciate, and accept His Goodness, and be able to distinguish between right and wrong. Something that could choose Love and share in His divine life. And He did. He made us.
With one breath, God brought us into being. We are the work of His hands. No one is an exception. He is The Father of All mankind, and today is a great day to reflect on His Fatherly Goodness. We know that He is Good because Jesus has shown us the way to the Father. Jesus Himself is The Father's Love. As we read in the gospel of John ...
"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well ... Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing His work." (John 14:6-10)
Each one of us has eternal value and a God-given reason for our lives. Regardless of our sinful nature, God The Father continues to reach out to His children through His Son, Jesus Christ, inviting us back, encouraging us to have an actual relationship with Him through prayer. No one knows us better than our Maker. The One who made us, understands us. He Loves us. God Himself is Love, and we come from Him. We were made by Love. Love created us into His own image and likeness, and today we express our eternal gratitude.
If we had only one thing to say to The Father today it would be - Thank You! Thank you for giving us life. Thank you for sending your Son into the world to save us. Thank you for pouring out your Holy Spirit into our hearts so that we can get to know you in a real and personal way. Thank you for loving us as no earthly father ever could. Thank you for being so patient with us and for understanding our human frailty. Please increase in us the grace to know you, so that as we get to know you better we will then naturally love you more, serve you sincerely, and be Happy with you forever.
I pray in Jesus’ name, that by the grace and power of The Father's Spirit, The Spirit of Christ Himself, The Holy Spirit, we will come to know God’s immense Love for us in a New Way, Today.