A New Way Prayer for the New Year:
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for this new year. I'm so happy to have the chance to start again. I need a new beginning. I look forward to all the wonderful things you have in store for me. I know that every day is a chance to start fresh. Your Mercy is so great. You are always ready, willing, and able to forgive us our sins and bring us into a new life. I ask for this new life now.
I ask to be made a new creation in your Son, Jesus Christ. I thank you for being so patient with me when I fail to live up to my call as His follower. I want to do better, and become the person you created me to be! I need your help. Please make ways for me where there are no ways. Please build bridges and remove obstacles, and make my path straight.
I ask for the grace to let go and put the past back where it belongs. I pray for the grace not to carry the old baggage into the new year, and to place my future into your care. I pray for you to pour out your healing love in every area of my life. I ask for your help to truly live my life, in You, with You and for You.
I ask for the grace to grow personally this year, to improve myself and my relationships with others. I ask for the grace to grow spiritually this year also, to increase my faith, to let go of my plans and trust Yours, to turn to you in prayer more often, and above all to seek Your Will for my life! Please help me to do what you want me to do and say what you want me to say. Help me to look to you First, in every situation. Please help me to see that you are the answer to every question, and that Your Will brings peace into my life. Your Peace. A Peace the world can't give me.
I thank you for this past year, for being with me through it all in good times and in bad ones. For never leaving me on my own and for loving me through each moment. For understanding my faults, weaknesses and limitations. Thank you for being my strength. Help me to let go of the past year and place everything that has happened into your perfect hands. Help me to move forward in your Love for me. Please help me to respond to the action of your Holy Spirit within me. Help me to come to know you in a deeper and more meaningful way, and to Trust you again with my whole heart. Help me to make a serious commitment to you my God and to put you first in my life, to make you the center of my life, to make you "my all".
Finally, Thank you for sending your Son into the world and into our hearts. Thank you for your unfailing love. I know that you are Good, and Loving, and that you are always with me. I ask for your blessing on this New Year. Please bless and protect my family and everyone near and dear to us. Please guide us all into your Light of Truth, and help us to walk day by day, step by step, in Your direction.
May the Peace of Christ remain with us all year long, and may we grow in love and faith in a New Way, starting Today. In Jesus' beautiful name. Amen.
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