Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, and God invites us to come back to Him. By His grace, and through prayer and sacrifice, we have an opportunity to gain a whole new life. It’s a time to make some changes, to admit our sinfulness but also to trust in the saving power of Christ.
It's a time to listen to the voice of God within us and hear the longing of our soul for His unconditional love ... something that can only be found in union with Jesus Christ - the reason for this day, the reason for every day.
God doesn’t want the past to hold us back from a relationship with Him any longer. Jesus has opened the door for us, and it’s time we walk through it.
In preparation for Easter, Lent is a time to re-evaluate ourselves. What are our priorities? Where are we spiritually? What sort of person do we want to be? Has our past decisions really brought us the happiness we seek? Is there something more? How can I grow closer to God?
There are a few things we can do to make this Lent more meaningful. We can increase our prayer time, make small daily sacrifices, go to confession, perform acts of charity, and simply open our hearts a little wider and allow Jesus Christ to enter. But let’s not allow this special time of grace to pass us by. Let’s make a commitment to grow in our faith this Lent, to "let go of the old self and put on the new self”, and to make things right with God, with ourselves, and with others.
So today, let’s approach God in humility, knowing we are nothing without Him, yet having absolute confidence in His infinite Love and Mercy toward us. God is just a prayer away, and today His arms are reaching out to you saying “I Love you. I created you. I know you. I’ve never left you. I’m still here … Come back to Me.”
"Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart."
May He Bless you, and everyone near and dear to you, this Lenten season, and always.