Scripture: "When Joseph and Mary had done everything required by the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth. And the child grew and became strong. He was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on Him" (Luke 2:39-40).
Reflection: God finishes what He starts. God completes His plans. Joseph and Mary had to travel quite a bit before they were able to go back to Nazareth. Jesus was already a young child when they did. Their journeys were difficult, but God was in charge, guiding them and protecting them on their way. This mission of Christ's birth was complete and a new one was starting. Sometimes it might feel like we are on a journey that will never end, as if we will never see our destination. Mary and Joseph are perfect examples of how to surrender our path to God, making His path our path, and our path His path, no matter what the results. We are called to do God's Will. And we can take comfort in knowing that God will be with us through it all. He never abandons us. We all want to feel safe and protected as we walk through life. In Christ, we have this assurance. He is with us always.
Questions: Do I feel God is with me? Does it feel like God doesn't care, like He has abandoned me in my prayer life? What is my mission? Do I fully allow God to lead?
Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray today for the grace to be guided and protected by you. Please lead me in the direction of your Will, of your plans. Inspire me with your ideas. Finish what you have started in me, but help me to have faith that perseveres, whether I see the results in my lifetime or not. Help me only to do what you want and allow me to find my happiness in doing your Will. Lift any and all discouragement from my life and give me the peace you promised to your followers. Your Peace. A Peace beyond understanding, that only you can give. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Join us again tomorrow for another spiritual reflection. May God Bless you, and everyone near and dear to you.