Scripture: "Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart" (Luke 2:19).
Reflection: I found this scripture to be appropriate for Christmas Eve, a silent night to reflect on the Advent Season of waiting for the arrival of our Savior. Tonight is a time to ponder, to follow Mary's example. No matter how the past few weeks have gone we have a new opportunity right now to pray and reflect. If the true meaning of Christmas has gotten away from us this year, we can take a few minutes now to open our hearts to Christ. Every moment is a moment to start over. We can ponder in our own hearts what God's presence in our lives means for us. Take this time to create your own silent night, your own silent few minutes, to have your own time in prayer with God, one on one, friend to friend. The One who loves you, is always reaching out His arms to you. Pick up the infant Jesus in your heart tonight, hold Him close, tell Him what's on your mind, and be at Peace.
Questions: What do I treasure? What means most to me this Christmas? Can I stop whatever I'm doing and put aside a little time for prayer? Can I give my heart to The Christ Child this Christmas? Am I willing to let go of all of my anger towards God for the past, and give Him a new place in my heart? Give Him all of my heart??
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for this time together. Thank you for this Holy season. Thank you for all of your blessings, seen and unseen, in my life and in the lives of my loved ones. I know you are holding them tight tonight, watching over them. I know you are taking care of me and that you hear every prayer. Lord, touch my heart. Help me to enter into the silence of this Holy night, and fill my soul with Peace... Your Peace. A Peace no one else can give me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Join us again tomorrow for our final reflection. May God fill you with the peace of Christmas Eve, and may He Bless you, and everyone near and dear to you. In Jesus' name.