Scripture: "During those days Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth" (Luke 1:39).
Reflection: With Jesus now within her, Mary immediately brings Him to others. She travels to meet her cousin Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John The Baptist, and the two women rejoice over the blessings within them. We are also called to bring Christ to others, but first we must receive Him ourselves. It's easier to talk about Christ than to be His follower. We all struggle with this. No one is perfect. We don't always act like Christians, but we must keep trying. This is how we will bring Jesus into the world, by being an example of His Love.
Questions: What can I do today that will reflect Christ to others? In what ways has someone shown Christ to me? How far am I willing to go to bring Jesus to someone in need?
Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray for the grace to receive you today in a new way. I ask you to heal me, so that I may then bring your healing love to others. Help me to open my heart to you, so that I can become all you have created me to be. The greatest thing I can do for anyone else is to be the person I'm meant to be, living my life the way you want me to. Your presence within me, will then attract others to you. God, forgive me for all the times I fail to reflect you, and help me to keep moving forward in Love. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Join us again tomorrow for another spiritual reflection. May God Bless you, and everyone near and dear to you.