"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.. " You may have heard this scripture before, perhaps many times. Let's listen to it again ... Listen to Jesus speaking. He is not just telling us about God the Father, He is showing us what He is like.
The Father came to us in the form of His Son and through His Spirit we have a New Life! Jesus is
revealing the Father to us. The purpose of Jesus becoming man was to do His Father's Will - to save us. It was the Father's will to save us! It was His very own idea. Do we think about it like that? That the Father came to save us? That the Father loves us to death!! That God the Father wishes for each one of His children to know His Love and within it find true happiness that can't be found apart from Him.
Jesus was sent. In the beginning The Father created man and woman, gave them everything and they
wanted more. Paradise wasn't enough. Adam and Eve, our first parents, humanity, had a choice and chose to reject God. God the Father could have destroyed the earth and done away with this creation of His but no! He loved what He has made. He made man and woman in His very own image and likeness. He wants us to know this very same Love. As a result of this act in the garden, yes sin and death entered the world. But the Father still had a plan to win us back. He sent Jesus to us.
If we want to know what God the Father is really like, we need to look at Jesus and the life He led.
Jesus' life should put to rest any ideas we have of some kind of horrible, angry and unforgiving God. Yet, we still perceive God the Father in this way. As if He's the mean one, and Jesus is the nice one.
When really, they are the same Loving God who's Will is united and determined to bring us to eternal life. And we still have that choice. The plan now is for humanity to choose differently this time. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we receive at Baptism, we can now reject sin and death that entered the world and live a New and meaningful life in Christ without fear. We can know God's Love. We can start
over. Why? Because God is Love! And Love loves us.
So do not be afraid to approach God the Father in prayer - Ever!! He waits for you. He wants you to know Him, and when you do - you will love Him. In the name of Jesus His Son, our Heavenly Father has restored us. He has made us New. He has created us again. We have a clean slate. No matter what our past sins, we can be washed clean and begin to really live the life you know your soul wants to. And the Life God wants us to. Take that first step - like a child would, walking toward their
Dad. Take it boldly and with open arms.
May God Bless you this Father's Day. May your Father's who are living enjoy this special day and may those who are deceased rest in eternal peace. May God comfort you today and always. May God restore any broken relationships in your families and pour out His Healing Love. And May we never allow our old perceptions of father get in the way of our spiritual life, in coming closer to God The Father, our Creator, the one who made us, loves us and never leaves us. May the author of Life and Love Bless
you and everyone near and dear to you this day! Amen.