God became man in the person of Jesus Christ, who took upon Himself the sins of the world. Because of the actions of Adam and Eve, who disobeyed God's command, sin and death entered the world. Mankind rejected the paradise God created for us, and now lives in a sinful nature, in a sinful world. With sin comes suffering. We were unable to right this wrong. So God sent His Son to make up for our sinfulness. Jesus came to conquer sin and death by taking our sins upon Himself. He bore the punishment that really belongs to each one of us. He made up for what humanity lacked, and through Christ, all who believe in Him can receive the grace He won for us on The Cross, the gift of eternal life.
Why did He do this? Because He Loves us. God is Love, and God Loves what He has created. He loves each one of us - to death. And if you were the only person on earth, He would have done it all just for you.
Jesus died so that we may live, forever in Heaven. We need a Savior. We needed a Savior then, and we need a Savior now. Sin is still a choice to us, in fact it's everywhere, but through Christ we can reject that choice, reject sin and choose Heaven through The Cross of Christ, by receiving Jesus into our lives.
Today our personal relationship with God can grow significantly if we open our hearts and reflect on what He did for each of us. Let's pray and ask God for the grace to understand this better, and to become more loving, even in our own sufferings.
With gratitude for the life of Christ, as we meditate on His suffering and death, let us remind ourselves that He did it "for me." He didn't just do this for someone else. He did it for you. We can truthfully say "He bore my sins, my weaknesses, my guilt, my punishment … “ We receive the benefit of His death when we accept Him as the center of our life. Let's finally let go of our old way of living, and start living for Christ, in a New Way, Today.