He's working on it now, there's really no hurry.
He said it's His way to use the gift of time well,
Although for us who are waiting it may feel like hell.
He said His timing is perfect and your prayer not in vain,
But He too has a plan and He calls you by name.
He said "I am ready to make your life new!"
He said He's been waiting to carry you through.
But you keep holding on to your own prideful ways,
Thinking that He will obey you one of these days.
He said He understands, but that's not how it works.
He said it's much deeper and works in reverse.
No, it's His plan we must follow to find our true place.
He tells us this so our time we won't waste.
He asks you to Trust Him, that He will abandon you never.
He said He is with you now and forever.
He said He knows every prayer, every tear, every breath.
I spoke to Jesus today, He said He loves you to death.
by New Way Today
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