"Dear Lord, I have always had an image in my mind of what my life would be like. I had certain expectations and prayers. I had a particular idea of how things would turn out. I could picture it. I could count on it. It was familiar and comfortable. I had hope. I had a dream. And now I think it’s time for a new one.
Lord, you alone can move my heart in a new direction that will bring me the peace and happiness I have always longed for. It may look different than what I envisioned but your vision is greater than mine. You see the whole picture, I only see part. You know what will make me happy. I don’t. You truly are the light that will shine in my darkness. Please shine brightly. Please make my path clear and give me something to look forward to once again. In Jesus’ name. Amen."
This is a prayer from our new book, "Prayers For A New Way. A Prayer Book For The Heart."